Wasteland Exclusive...
The Punishment of Angie We had a great deal of fun producing this set with Canadian Scene Personalities Angie, Seska and her boy. The still photos are great, but be sure to check out the selected movie sequences where Seska and her man restrain Angie, do a bit of double insertion, then a great fisting to the wrist scene. The amazing thing about this series is that none of the players have ever done video work before, and Angie has never been fisted! The entire high resolution video is available at wasteland.com - check it out! It's the oldest and larget bdsm and fetish site on the internet. For those politically inclined,
you may enjoy the subtext of Seska speaking english and Angie screaming
in French Canadian; sort of a post-modern bdsm version of the English raping
and abusing French Canadian Unique Cultural Resources.....:)